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SICAB 2010 Judges


SICAB 2011 JUDGES CHOSEN FOR THE SPANISH NATIONAL PRE CONFORMATION CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL The panel of judges for each section will be decided by a draw prior to the start of the actual judging 430 PRE horses will be participating After the draw held today, ANCCE, the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain, has published the list of judges who will judge the 430 participants in the Spanish National PRE Conformation Championship Final, to be held during the upcoming edition of SICAB The judges chosen to assess the equine participants in this test and the actual order will be determined, as stated in the Competition Rules and Regulations, prior to the start of the actual competition   These are: Mr JUAN MANUEL CARNERO SÁNCHEZ Mr SAÚL DÁVALOS VIDAL Mr VÍCTOR MANUEL HUERTAS VEGA Mr VICENTE JODAR FERNÁNDEZ Mr RAFAEL ORTÍZ ALCALÁ-ZAMORA Mr MANUEL SERNA-BORJA LÓPEZ In the event that any of the above appointed judges are unable to attend, the substitute judges have also been designated  These are: Substitute 1: Mr FLORENCIO MORENO MORENO Substitute 2: Mr ÁLVARO CABRERA CALERO Substitute 3: Mr ALFONSO DEL CASTILLO CARACUEL Substitute 4: Mr LUÍS RODRÍGUEZ GÓMEZ Substitute 5: Mr JAVIER BAYO SÁNCHEZ Substitute 6: Mr HIGINIO GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ The 430 horses participating in this competition, as well as all those horses participating in any of the many SICAB Competitions, must comply with the animal health and welfare requirements established by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries  Further information can be downloaded at: http://www.anccees/documentos/condicionado2011pdf