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SICAB 2012



Ecuadorian artist, Jorge Montalvo, creates the official SICAB poster

The Alderman for Economy, Festivities and Tourism for the City of Sevilla visits PRE Stud Book Offices Gregorio Serrano, the City of Sevilla Alderman for Economy, Employment, Festivities and Tourism Council, and the President of the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain ANCCE, Javier Conde, signed the collaboration agreement to sponsor SICAB 2012, the International Equestrian Trade Fair and presented the official poster for the forthcoming edition The event took place at the main office of the PRE Stud Book, the sole official register for PRE Horses in the world The agreement, with which the Sevilla City Hall renews as the main SICAB sponsor, translates in the payment of 113,400 euros towards the organization of the Trade Fair In his speech, Gregorio Serrano highlighted “the Purebred Spanish Horse and everything it represents, as key within the economic and tourist development of Sevilla, since SICAB has become the third most important event in the city" On the other hand, the President of ANCCE thanked the City of Sevilla for its collaboration and support of SICAB “despite the difficult times that we are experiencing” He continued by saying that “it is during such times that it is essential to have the support of institutions and private sponsors so that SICAB is able to continue maintaining the levels of quality and fame that have earned it the classification as one of the most important single-breed competitions in the world Thus, it is only right to recognize the efforts of the City Hall and trust that other organizations will also join the project” Javier Conde reminded those present that SICAB generates an annual income of some 30 million euros for the city, considering both direct and indirect income “On this occasion we are working to present a program of sufficient weight to celebrate the two coinciding anniversaries in 2012—40 years since the creation of ANCCE and the first centennial of the PRE Stud Book” Nicaragua will be the guest country at this twenty-second edition of SICAB This Central American country will follow Argentina and join the list of previous guests, including which Mexico, Guatemala and Morocco Gregorio Serrano and Javier Conde jointly presented the official poster for SICAB 2012, work by the Ecuadorian artist, Jorge Montalvo This artist has an extensive career in which horses have always played an important role Members of royal households, presidents of American governments and numerous breeders own his works He is currently working on a project titled “The Purebred Spanish Horses in America” It is a collection of watercolors and sculptures of the most beautiful and important horses from the various American countries and their breeders and owners, since they are the promoters and advocates of breeding PREs on the American continent The Stud Book The Centennial of the Purebred Spanish Horse PRE Stud Book was, in fact, the reason behind signing an agreement with the City Hall and why the SICAB poster was presented in Stud Book facilities, which is the responsibility of ANCCE The history of the PRE Stud Book began on the 13th of January 1912, when a Royal Decree was signed by the Ministry of Defense That Decree created the official register of the most emblematic horse breed in Spain Published in 1913, the first volume listed 163 stallions and 765 mares, owned by 44 breeders The main objective of a PRE Stud Book is to guarantee breed purity, certifying that a given horse descends from a purebred father and mother For almost an e century, the PRE Stud Book was handled by and the responsibility of the Spanish Armed Forces In 2007 the Government of Spain, through the Ministry of Agriculture, turned the handling of the PRE Stud Book over to the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain, which most represents the sector The PRE Stud Book handled by ANCCE is the only register that is officially authorized to issue the documentation that guarantees, internationally, that a horse is a PRE initials in Spanish for Purebred Spanish Horse The main PRE Stud Book Office in located in the city of Sevilla, where all the services are handled and the documents issued for the PRE horses all over the world There are currently more than 50 countries with PRE horse breeder, who register some 17,000 horses every year The PRE Stud Book database includes more than 200,000 registered horses With this visit of the Alderman for Economy, Employment, Festivities and Tourism, the Sevilla City Hall sought to recognize the work of the Stud Book and emphasize its importance in handling the breed internationally, from Sevilla “With this,” commented Gregorio Serrano, “there is proof that Sevilla is not only the world PRE hub for a week during SICAB, but also throughout the year, with for Sevilla as a brand, it translated in the generation of economic activity in the city”