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SICAB 2015 Proves to be Resounding Success

SICAB  2015 combined many of the strengths of the events of the past with the innovations of today  Moving SICAB to mid-November meant that the weather was superb and the crowds came out in droves  New footing in the arenas allowed for better competitions as well The 2015 Annual USPRE Member Reception was a resounding success once again  Tanya Duffey, from the USPRE office, met with many breeders, new breeders, new owners and members and was able get questions answered  She signed up new breeders, processed paperwork and transferred ownership of horses, among other services  "It is a working week for me," said Tanya, laptop and files open at a desk in the ANCCE office space  Joan Mack, USPRE Executive Director, expressed gratitude again to breeders Jesus Jimenez and Dr Ariel Martinez for welcoming USPRE into their booth this year Even though we had a smaller space, our placement right in front of LaRaza restaurant meant we had plenty of room to host this year's reception and welcome many new and old friends  We were in the center of activity for the entire event Additionally we were honored to see our old friend and former ANCCE president, Javier Conde,  join the current ANCCE president, Juan Tirado, in wishing our president, Kimberly Boyer, the very best as she moves from the position of president of USPRE after January 1, 2016  ANCCE was generous with its time to USPRE and offered support with many of our questions going forward  We are grateful for the ease of our working experience with ANCCE management and staff KIM with Conde and Tirado SICAB 2015 We enjoyed visiting with all the American breeders who came to see us, along with many new breeders from North America  If you missed it, make a note and don't miss SICAB 2016! SICAB pic1 SICAB pic2sicab pic3