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SICAB 2017 Poster Contest Rules Announced

ANCCE has created this contest to select the poster that will announce the International PRE Trade Fair, SICAB 2017 First – Participants The SICAB 2015 Poster Contest is open to all artists and designers who are at least eighteen 18 years of age, whether from Spain or abroad, and who are interested in participating, either as an individual or as a team Second – Topic, technical characteristics and motto A Topic: The topic of the artwork must consider the event it is announcing: the Purebred Spanish Horse International Trade Fair SICAB All artwork must be original and unpublished; said artwork shall not have been presented at any other competition and shall not be a copy, whether in full or in part, nor plagiarized of published works, whether that of the artist or others The author of said artwork is responsible before ANCCE and any third party, in compliance with the Rules, as established herein All artwork shall seek to be high impact advertising Artwork must be truly eye-catching—which is the final objective of a poster for an event such as SICAB B Technical Characteristics: The concept and technique used is free and shall be decided by the artist, if and when said artwork may be reproduced graphically All artwork shall be presented and mounted on a ridged support measuring at least 1 cm, without protective glass or fame The format shall be vertical and measuring 100 x 70 cm Said artwork may also be presented as 100 x 73 cm which is the standard support frame size Artists who prefer and use computer-based systems shall provide a full color reproduction of the size and characteristics indicated above, as well as the corresponding digital support storage device, CD, DVD, etc with all of the files necessary to graphically reproduce the art, a technical file explaining the procedures used, including font and size, computer MAC or PC, and as might be the case, the original digitalized image/s in tiff or similar format No logo or anagram may be included on the work other than those of ANCCE and SICAB when the artist considers it the composition as he/she may deem necessary to be included within the established measurements and in the adaptation of the image for the various supports ANCCE also reserves the right to include brand and/or the logos of possible sponsors and/or collaborators in the winning work of art Likewise, ANCCE shall include the following texts into the adaptation of the reproducible materials: SICAB 2017: International PRE Horse Trade Fair – Sevilla – World PRE Championship, the dates and the logos of sponsors and collaborators C Motto: On the back of the artwork, a motto shall be included to identify the author until the Judges have decided a winner Third - Awards The following awards have been established: €3000 for First Place €1000 for each of the two honorable mentions All award money is subject to the corresponding taxation as established by the laws of Spain Fourth – Presentation The deadline to present artwork is the Friday, the ninth of September of this year 9/9/2016 at 2:00 pm All artwork shall be presented or shipped duly prepared for shipment to the ANCCE office, located at Cortijo de Cuarto viejo, 41014, Sevilla Spain, from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 2 pm Likewise, A closed envelope shall include the full name of the author/s of the artwork, his/her Tax or passport number, full address and phone number/s, email address as well as a signed affidavit stating that artwork is original and unpublished The same motto that appears on the back of the artwork shall also appear on the outside of the previously mentioned envelope, and in capital letters; nothing else shall appear on the outside of the envelope that might identify the contestant Any such indication would fail to meet the Rules of this Contest In the case of artwork that is sent by mail or courier, the day and hour of the deliver shall be indicated, without any mention of the sender Each contestant shall present only ONE 1 work of art Fifth - The Judges 1 The selection and granting of awards shall be performed at the proposal of the Judges appointed by ANCCE The Judges shall be constituted as indicated below: President: Juan Carlos Cabrera Members-at-large: Juan Tirado Agudo Pedro Pingarrón Santofimia Manuel Novales de la Escalera Francisco Angelet Sólvez Juan Miguel Moreno Míguez Javier Amián Durán Gonzalo Hernando Aboín 2 The Judges shall be appointed and shall meet to issue their decision First of all, they shall review, one by one, the artwork presented to verify that it meets all of the conditions established in these Contest Rules, after which they shall announce the final admission of said artwork 3 The Judges, to formulate their proposal to grant an award, shall assess, in addition to the conception of the work, its graphic or artistic quality, it effectiveness in announcing or informing about the event and the reproducibility of the work 4 The Judges may declare the Contest Null and Void should they consider that none of the artwork is worthy of reward 5 The Judges’ decision is final in all cases The contestants, by participating in this Contest, specifically renounce presenting any claim against the decisions reached by the judges 6 The Judges shall inform the ANCCE Board of Directors about their decision 7 The Judges’ decision shall be announced publically on the ANCCE web site, together with the names of the winners, notwithstanding the notification of the winners Sixth - The Judges’ Decision The winner shall be announced publically on September 26, 2016 Seventh – Winning Work 1 The winning artwork shall be considered owned by and property of ANCCE to be reproduced to announce the event in question or any other announcement at a later date, for promotional purposes as deemed appropriate and with specific mention of the author or authors 2 ANCCE reserves the right to introduce changes in the award-winning poster should a technical difficulty arise when printing, or to include text or a logotype that may not initially appear in these Contest Rules Eighth - Works without award 1 Artwork that has not earned an award may be collected by the owner at the main ANCCE office, whose address is Cortijo de CuartoViejo 41014 Sevilla or returned freight paid to the rightful owner upon request, once the Contest has concluded, and within fifteen 15 days after the winner has been announced 2 If, within the time period indicated above, it is understood that the author/s renounce/s ownership in favor of ANCCE, who may destroy or do away with it as seen fit, which includes the Association editing or printing it Ninth – Publicity 1 The summons and Contest Rules shall be published on the ANCCE web at wwwanccecom Tenth – Final Rules 1 The fact that you, as a contestant, participate in this Contest implies knowing, understanding and accepting these Contest Rules As such, you may not refute nor appeal said Rules once the presentation of artwork has been formalized 2 The corresponding authority, as would be the case, has the power to solve any doubts that may arise and that is not specified in these Rules to reach the necessary agreements for the smooth running of this Contest 3 The organizers shall not be held liable for any claim that may arise regarding the authorship of the poster and possible plagiarism, as this is the exclusive responsibility of the artist ANCCE Dirección de Comunicación prensa@anccecom T 954 689 260 F 954 690 327 W wwwanccecom Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española