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Spain Denounces PRE Mundial




[caption id="attachment_2928" align="aligncenter" width="230" caption="Condemned For Horse Registration Fraud"]Horse Registration Fraud[/caption]

The Ministry emphasizes that the registrations of horses by “PRE Mundial” are Not Valid

ANCCE Informs Breeders About These Aspects To Avoid Confusion And Damage

The Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Resources has ratified that ANCCE is the only association recognized to handle the Stud Book of Purebred Spanish Horses PRE and that the registrations taking place in a number of countries in the world by “PRE Mundial” “have no official recognition by Spain, the country that handles the breed’s Book of Origin, according to European Union legislation, nor are these registrations valid in any way with regards to the native breed “Pura Raza Española” The General Office for Agricultural and Breeding Resources replied to a query presented by ANCCE at the beginning of February, following the publication of information related with the so-called “PRE Mundial,” which, in the opinion of ANCCE could cause a great deal of confusion among breeders, in addition to possible damage The response by the Ministry—remember that the Ministry already issued an identical reply in 2009—left no doubt that ANCCE has been recognized exclusively to handle the LG PRE Stud Book and stated that confusion could arise from the activities of the Foundation in the USA, which issues registrations for the so-called “PRE Mundial” “Within Europe,” states MARM, “each member state recognizes the organizations authorized to issue official equine identification document within its boundaries and in the case of Spain, the Foundation has not been recognized either in this regard or to officially handle the breed” The Ministry continues by saying that “it can only issue passports for horses born in the EU, if it The Foundation is recognized by the member state in question As this is not the case, the Foundation must not issue passports for equines born in Spain or in Europe” In its response, the Ministry details very interesting aspects of this mater to underline that the breed “PRE Mundial” is not recognized by Spain’s Official Catalog Breeds It continues to explain that the current legislation with regards to the assignment of breeder codes and highlights that there can only be one official equine identification document In response to another question posed by ANCCE, about the use that the Foundation USA makes of the term, Pura Raza Española PRE, in the so-called passports it is issuing, the Ministry is clear: “The indication and fraudulent use of the name “Pura Raza Española” on this passport and on its reverse side, without any official recognition enters into contradiction with the official legislation and therefore could lead to error and confusion on behalf of breeders, with regards to whether these horses really are this breed and are correctly identified Breeders must clearly understand this matter” The Ministry concludes by indicating the possibility of taking legal actions to request changes in the appearance or information provided or indicating that the said document is not an official identification document” An extract of the document making this information official has been included herein mapa Spanis Ministry Denunciation DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL SPANISH MINISTRY LETTER Breaking News also Feautred in EURODRESSAGE : http://www.eurodressag.com/equestrian/2011/03/14/spanish-ministry-agriculture-ratifies-ancce-sole-entity-handle-pre-stud-book