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Summary of the ANCCE March Executive Meeting


In keeping with the commitments of the Board of Directors to maintain breeders informed about all advances and the work performed by both the Executive Committee and the various Commissions, here is a summary of the most noteworthy matters covered at the meeting held on the 27th of March at the ANCCE Office  A number of matters of interest for the Association were on the Agenda and covered at the meeting


The Director of the Stud Book informed on the meeting between the ANCCE President and the President of the German Association, held at Equitana—an event that ANCCE attends with a promotional stand to provide information, attend German Breeders and promote the PRE as a breed  

After having received a number of complaints from German Breeders and detecting glitches in Stud Book operations on behalf of the Collaborating Association, the President of ANCCE and the Director of the PRE Stud Book ANCCE met with the President of said Association to obtain first-hand information This information is essential for the Executive Committee to provide the most convenient actions so that breeders in Germany enjoy the same conditions as all other countries where PRE horses are bred 

After analyzing the corresponding information, the Executive Association has decided to do without the collaboration of the Association presided over by Ms Sonja Thomas, which was the liaison between German breeders and the main Stud Book office in Sevilla  Orders were given to inform breeders about this new situation and that the PRE Stud Book office was available to solve any immediate problems 

The Executive Committee was provided with a draft copy of the Rules & Regulations that will govern the Stud Book Commission  These will be studied and approved at the next Board Meeting to then be ratified at the General Assembly

As has been announced, and as such, the Organizing Committees celebrating competitions during the initial months of the year were informed, the 2015 Competition Rules & Regulations will be an extension of the 2014 rules, with a limited number of changes  These changes will improve the information and developments at competitions 

A number of aspects have been incorporated, generally legal aspects that the lawyers consider of interest for the services that both ANCCE and the Organizing Committees provide breeders, so that these are transparent with no discrimination of any type towards those participating in a competition The latest reforms do not affect the results for those horses that qualified prior to the publication of these Rules & Regulations  

Once the Rules & Regulations have been approved by the Board of Directors, said rules will be applied, pending ratification at the forthcoming General Assembly 

The Commission informed that it will start working immediately to draft the new Rules & Regulations, which will be applicable at the beginning of 2016  As promised by the President during his election campaign, these Rules will cover the concerns of all breeders, who are asked to provide ideas, suggestions and report any possible problems that are detected in the developments of current competitions, whether it is the actual organization or the behavior of those intervening in the development of events 

All those who are interested may provide competition-related suggestions by sending an e-mail to concursos@anccecom 

The Commission also reported about the various projects being prepared for approval by the Executive Committee  Among these are changes in the specific Rules & Regulations for the Young Horse Selection Tests for Dressage also known as PSCJ from the Spanish acronym in an effort to decrease costs and increase participation    

The specific modifications in the Stud Book are being undertaken so that the PRE Breeding Program is adapted to the current needs  An extensive list of measures are being undertaken to promote reproductive stock with genetic categories, especially Young Recommended Breeding Stock  

The President recounted about his activities at Equinana, in Germany  In addition to the already mentioned meeting, he met with a number of German breeders who presented their problems regarding the Stud Book services and other matters of interest to reactivate the market there 

He commented about the convenience of Committee members attending the PRE Trade Fair in Central America, to represent ANCCE This year, the event will be held in Guatemala  Mr Pedro Vallejo was appointed Vice-president and Mr Manuel Novales as member-at-large  Regarding the aid that has been assigned to this event, it was agreed to study how to reduce it, and for this same amount to be used for ANCCE members participating in the event   

Likewise, the President provided information about the meeting held in Madrid with the National Federation of Horse Breeders this past March 23rd  There, the possibility of signing an agreement with the Jerez de la Frontera City Hall in the province of Cadiz was discussed  The idea would be to take advantage of the Sire Stallion Depot facilities in the future; these installations are not being used at the moment

Based on the transparency that the President wants to implement during this legislature, he presented the Committee with the possibility that up to three members of the Board of Directors could attend the Executive Committee meetings and that three breeders could attend the Board of Directors meetings  Participation would be based strictly on order of request This idea was approved unanimously; once approved by the Board of Directors, the proposed model will be put into practice      

The Executive Committee ratified the agreement of the Competition Commission regarding the final resolutions of the pending disciplinary files  These will be published once they have been approved by the Board of Directors

Mr Enrique Lovera announced his resignation as the President of the Dressage Sub-commission due to personal reasons; said resignation was read  The Executive Committee greatly appreciated his services and expressed their desire to see him in the post once again

Mr Ignacio Candau, president of the General Sports Commission, proposed that the post be occupied by Mr Jorge Conde


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T  954 689 260      F  954 690 327      W  wwwanccecom
Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española