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The PRE at WEG 2010



The Spanish Equestrian Team Contains Three Pure Spanish PRE Horses !

The three Rider Pairs are:


Jose Antonia Garcia & NORTE
Jose Antonia Garcia & NORTE


Juan Manuel Munoz & FUEGO XII
Juan Manuel Munoz & FUEGO XII

[caption id="attachment_2168" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="Dr Rafael Ortiz & G-Nidium"]Dr Rafael Ortiz & G-Nidium[/caption] The team have arrived in Lexington, Kentucky are presently acclimating their horses to the bluegrass weather and under the training supervision of  Jan Bemelmans, Spanish Team Trainer The Riders are excited and poised for success Dr Rafael Ortiz & G-Nidium are the current Spanish National Dressage Champions and the Spanish team recently won the 2010 CDIO Nations Cup in Saumur where Juan Manual Munoz Diaz was unbeatable in all three big tour classes USPREA wishes them success at the 2010 Equestrian Games and encourages its members to check into the website for on location reports and pictures