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The P.R.E. in China


The Heilan Equestrian Center

Over the course of the last eighteen 18 months we heard talk of a significant number of PRE horses being shipped to China European shippers were busy, Trainers were disappearing and USPRE member, Lisa Hurlong was often seen scurrying through the aisles at SICAB on her cellphone speaking the Emperor's Mandarin  A few telephone calls and several emails to our resident Trainer friend , D Raul Roa Vadillo, we discover a new Equestrian Palace in Xin Qiao, China dedicated to the horse Over eighty 80 riders and an enclosed exhibition arena that only Liberace in collaboration with Michelangelo could have designed 

Never since the Age of Empires has such a large number of horses of all breeds have been assembled in one Chinese city For a stunning visual equestrian experience click below to view their exhibitions:


alternatively, go to You Tube and search for " Heilan Equestrian Performance "