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Transition Phase for Conformation Competition Rules & Regulations Posted

In recent months, the various ANCCE commissions have been working intensively to design the new Competition Rules & Regulations, the new structure of the World PRE Stallion and Mare Championship, and its classifier competition At the same time, they have been working on the Judging Manual for Conformation Competitions for use at future competition events The structures have now been finished Right now, the testing period begins for immediate application  In an effort to avoid postponing and altering the smooth running of the planned competitions for the initial quarter of the year, a moratorium has been established for the competitions in Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador and Torrepacheco, where the Organizing Committees may apply the 2015 competition Rules You can follow all competitions at wwwanccecom or use the ANCCE Competition App In due course and once the Rules have been approved by ANCCE’s executive body, they will be sent to all members