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USDF All Breeds Winners Announced for USPRE

The following horse and rider pairs have complied with USDF regulations to qualify for a USDF All Breeds Awards, and will be recognized at this year’s USDF convention in Las Vegas, December 2-5 They represent the top scoring pairs in the country of the PRE breed at their respective levels USPRE is particularly pleased to see 42 winners this year, with many new names added We congratulate all of the riders and owners of these wonderful horses and recognize your hard work to achieve such a distinction

2015 USDF All Breeds Winners

  Adult Amateur Training Level First Place                     Inspector MAR     Erika Chen-Walsh                    65769 First Level First Place:                    Inspector MAR     Erika Chen-Walsh                    67647 Second Place:                Botero HGF          Betsy Bougie                          66662 Second Level First Place:                    Gauchada            Meaghan Spann                      64878 Third Level: First Place:                    Centeno XII          Barbara Bonk                         64773 Prix St George First Place:                    Belleza SMDR       Dierdre Teasely                      62303 Second Place:                Trianero Jama      Brooke Alexander                   61842 Grand Prix First Place:                    Junior                   Janne Rumbough                    6500   Open Training Level First Place:                   Camomila MCD    Nicole Harrington                    71537 Second Place:                Al Andalus VI       Stacey Hastings                      69348 Third Place:                   Oleaje XXXIV        Hailey Guard                           68462 First Level First Place:                    Gauteque IV         Stacey Hastings/Laura Abner                    72050 Second Place:                Inspector MAR     Erika Chen-Walsh                    67647 Third Place:                   Botero HGF          Betsy Bougie                          66662 Second Level First Place:                    Carina HGF           Cindy Ramirez-Smith              68938 Second Place:                Morenito VI          Ashley Burd Whicker               67866 Third Place:                   Brioso HGF           Andrea Landis                        66616 Third Level First Place                     Lucero Bello II       Maya Markowski                     67576 Second Place:                Capitol II              Malinda Brown                        64936 Third Place:                   Centeno XII          Barbara Bonk                         64773 Prix St George First Place:                    Vaquero HGF        Kerrigan Gluch                        67675 Second Place:                Police                   Stacey Hastings                      67279 Third Place:                   Festivo RS           Emily Copeland                      65711 Intermediate I First Place:                    Police                   Stacey Hastings                      69013 Second Place:                Festivo RS           Emily Copeland                      65079 Third Place:                   Nebrijo V             Ruth Hogan-Poulsen                63882 Grand Prix First Place:                    Cartujo VIII           Holger Bechtloff                     65350 Second Place:                Junior                   Janne Rumbough                    6500 Third Place:                   Balado                 Jacqueline MacDonald-Cuddy  62129 FEI Five Years First Place:                    Gauteque IV         Stacey Hastings                      77 FEI Six Years First Place:                    Aragon GAF         Felicitas Von Neumann-Cosel  72 Second Place:                Pirata XXXIII          Katherine Breiner                    66   Junior/Young Rider     Second Level First Place:                    Oficial RMC-1       Isabel Ullman                          6622 Prix St George First Place:                    Vaquero HGF        Kerrigan Gluch                        67675 Intermediate I First Place:                    Tracio                  Shae-Bella Lovazzano             625   Freestyle   First Level First Place:                    Inspector MAR     Erijka Chen-Walsh                   72833 Second Level First Place:                    Brioso HGF           Andrea Landis                        7200 Second Place:                Inspector MAR     Erijka Chen-Walsh                   6600 Third Level First Place:                    Decente HGF        Chirstina Arrington                 60667 Fourth Level First Place:                    Police                   Stacey Hastings                      7133 Intermediate I First Place:                    Police                   Stacey Hastings                      7300 Grand Prix First Place:                    Junior                   Janne Rumbough                    70417                                             12166013_1072445949432153_411140132_n12167694_10102478969302597_993961537_n12167389_998058376884080_956219345_nARAGON-GAF-1SVE 15 Tracio 5544Cartujo12122671_1663928067227282_3788966622017476427_nBoteroHGFHarringtonCamomilaArringtonDecenteSpannGauchadaOleaje Not all pairs are represented in our photo gallery If you are not represented and would like your photo displayed, please contact Joan in the office