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USPRE Board of Directors Report: January 2017

The USPRE Board of Directors met on January 24 in the USPRE Offices in Wellington for their Annual Meeting Below is a summary of the proceedings: President Betsy Ketcham, welcomed everyone and announced that, due to changes in personal life, she was stepping down as president of USPRE  It was voted that Kim Van Kampen would take the role of Interim President for the remainder of Betsy’s term Betsy will remain on the Board and on the Executive Committee The Mission Statement was read and the Conflict of Interest Statement was distributed with the Board packet and members were asked to return the signed page to Tanya Duffey at their earliest convenience The September 2016 Board Meeting minutes were approved Executive Director Tanya Duffey reported some of the accomplishments of the past year Membership is a new focus We will turn to an invoice system where we will mail invoices to lapsed members  After some discussion it was determined that new membership will be $200 and after that dues will be $100 per year for all members This new pricing structure will begin on January 1, 2018 We will publicize this in the newsletter and on the website  Tanya reported that we had some of our biggest numbers in 2016, especially in Revisions 2017 Revision dates have been approved by LG ANCCE and we will start to get the word out to breeders immediately  Tanya also reported about staff stability, future shows and website updates Board member Bill Taylor provided TRC ANCCE approved dates, venues and budget Board Term Limits were discussed  Miguel Nunez, Jesus Jimenez and Mary Magee’s terms expired this year January 2017 and Miguel and Mary both indicated they would like to renew for another three years  Jesus Jimenez’s decision is still pending  Miguel Nuñez will remain as ANCCE Delegate  Miguel is also a vice president along with Janne Rumbough Kim Van Kampen offered a document that outlines the Activities of the Management Committee for 2016  The Board reviewed and some discussion took place  The activities of 2016 were approved 2016 Financials were discussed and approved 2017 Budget was discussed and approved, including a new Sport Initiative which will mimic the same at ANCCE, but smaller in scope Miguel Nuñez suggested a strategic planning meeting mid-year this year  He said he would host it and the BEC will be included  Tanya, Miguel and Bill will plan this meeting together Existing Programs such as USPRE COPA, All Breeds and High Points were discussed USPRE Catalog of Breeding Stock and app are still in process with Remi Blot  Bill would like to take over awards  The Board appreciatively thanked him for this offer Tanya will work with him starting for the Spring Feria Del Caballo The Breeders Executive Committee was discussed Bill will lead the revamping and refocusing of the BEC The budget was placed on hold until further review of the current status of the BEC The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm