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USPRE Dressage Team Member Jacqueline Cuddy and Malcarat Power On at the Grand Prix

12829084_1143408785671463_7983583439393943670_o At USPRE Week in Wellington in January, Jacqueline Cuddy debuted her 12 year old PRE gelding Malcarat in their first public performance of their new Grand Prix freestyle The horse, green and a bit tense at times, showed great promise and ability in all the Grand Prix movements, to the delight of all who were there Since then, the pair has had a stellar rise in scores, posting 688 at the Wellington Sunshine Classic, and 694 and 704 at the Florida Dressage Concours Of their latest show, Jacqui says: "Malcarat has really stepped his game up We had a super clean test on Saturday and a tiny mistake yesterday , both days were very expressiveThere were only 3 in the class but the score difference was quite big Second place was a 63%" "The Judges were Dinah Babcock and Fran Dearing Both judges asked me about him after the show, Fran said that he was super and Dinah asked me about his breed and said that the test was quite a surprise" "He has really started to relax and we are both gaining more confidence every time we go out Belinda Nairn, Jacquie's trainer is delighted , this was his 5th competition and he is really enjoying it , nothing is difficult for him We intend to stay on course now showing every few weeks until we are ready for his first CDI I'm incredibly excited!" We are excited to see this pair develop toward international competition Without a doubt we will be hearing more about Jacqueline Cuddy and Malcarat in the future! 775110_1143408692338139_337594861570844106_o