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USPRE Presents...the 2016 Copa USPRE Winners and the 2017 USPRE Dressage Team

COPA-USPRE-LOGOThe Copa USPRE is an annual competition for FEI-level horses and riders, who compete across the country at their declared level for a national ranking among other Copa participants The criteria for this program demand six scores in each level, with a minimum score of 62% Winners of the Copa USPRE are invited to compete at the SICAB World Championship for PRE Horses in Sevilla, Spain along with the top-ranked horses of the Copa ANCCE These pairs also constitute the 2017 USPRE Dressage Team, and receive show pads, clothing and press during the coming year of competition USPRE is pleased to announce this year's winners of our annual Breeder's Cup for FEI-level PRE competitors, the 2016 Copa USPRE Big Tour Champion: Jacqueline Cuddy and Malcarat                    GP  6887                    GPF  7246 Reserve:     Janne Rumbough and Junior                         GP  6593                    GPF  6929   Small Tour Champion: Janne Rumbough and Armas Zumbel        PSG 6649                   I-I  6781 Reserve: Barbro Ask-Upmark and Orive YET                PSG 6684                   I-I  6531   FEI 5 Years Champion: Nicole Harrington and Camomila MCD               737 Reserve: Gee Wierichs and Rudioso BOT                        732   FEI Youth  Champion: Kerrigan Gluch and Vaquero HGF              YR Team 6772          YR Ind 6760 Our Grand Prix Champion and Reserve Champion are well-known to the Florida circuits Jacqueline Cuddy and Malcarat debuted at Grand Prix just last year, and quickly rose to scores close to 70% in their first few outings together Since then, they have polished a fancy freestyle which is bringing home even bigger scores The pair have just received permission to compete for Great Britain in the international shows this coming year As Reserves, Janne Rumbough and Junior are an experienced pair with a number of national USDF Championship titles under their belts In the Small Tour, it's Janne Rumbough again, this time with her new mount Armas Zumbel This horse took his former rider to many Small Tour championships in Spain, and is now doing the same for Janne The pair have matured well this past year, topping a huge PSG and Inter I level at the Region 3 Championships in Atlanta, and Janne reports that Zum-Zum is capable of much more Following close behind is Barbro Ask-Upmark in California, with her impressive Orive YET This pair continues to improve, with scores that progress higher as the horse moves up the levels The winners of the FEI 5 Year Old division both received very respectable Young Horse scores, against warmblood-dominated competition Nicole Harrington is campaigning the lovely mare Camomila MCD and consisting receiving marks above 73% Similarly, Gee Wierichs and Rudioso BOT have demonstrated the potential of a well-bred PRE with exceptional gaits and temperament Finally, in our Youth Division, 19 year old Kerrigan Gluch and Vaquero HGF represented the United States in Europe this past summer in two international Young Rider contests, as part of the USEF Young Rider Euro Tour At the Future Champions Show in Hagen, Germany, Kerrigan and Vaquero were the top-scoring American pair, placing in the ribbons in the Individual Test In addition to our clear winners this past season, a number of our former Copa winners moved their horses up to new levels, most notably to Grand Prix Although they were unable in this first year at the level to meet the minimum number of scores to qualify for the Copa, these pairs are achieving important results and are ones to watch for the future: Nicole Harrington and Fetichin Nicholas Fyffe and Fiero HGF Stacy Hastings and Police Sabine Schut-Kerry and Marques   We want to congratulate our Copa Winners, thank them for their hard work and wish them the best of luck in 2017! We look forward to hearing more success stories in the near future! 775110_1143408692338139_337594861570844106_o Jackie Cuddy and Malcarat, 2016 Copa USPRE Champion for Big Tour   img_2454 Janne Rumbough and Junior, 2016 Copa USPRE Reserve Champion for Big Tour   12745628_1097419000278860_3977592750152227738_n Janne Rumbough and Armas Zumbel, 2016 Copa USPRE Champion for Small Tour Orive Yet - 20161 Barbro Ask-Upmark and Orive YET, 2016 Copa USPRE Reserve Champion for Small Tour nicole-.png Nicole Harrington and Camomila MCD, 2016 Copa USPRE Champion for FEI 5 Year Old rudioso-bot-and-gee Gee Weirichs and Rudioso BOT, 2016 Copa USPRE Reserve Champions for FEI 5 Year Old IMG_3955 Kerrigan Gluch and Vaquero HGF, 2016 Copa USPRE Youth Champion, FEI Young Riders Registration is now open for the 2017 Copa USPRE To submit a Declaration of Intent, please see the Dressage Menu above