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USPRE Sport Initiative for Dressage


Last week at the premises of Hampton Green Farm, in Wellington, the second USPRE SID Clinic took place Charlotte Bredahl as clinician taught several tips to the riders contributing to the development of PRE Pairs at the FEI-levels

Kerrigan Glutch with Vaquero and Bolero Elena Schiefele on Baroco Jacqui Cuddy on Malcarat Hokan Thorne on Pavo Alice Tarjan on Sueco II Janne Rumbough on Armas Remi Sophia Schults on Conocido

Charlotte states "The past two days I taught a clinic at the beautiful Hampton Green Farm  This was a special Sports Initiative Clinic sponsored by the USPRE and hosted by Kim Van Kampen  I had a great group of rider/ horse combinations They were all especially selected by the USPRE Association During the clinic I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Dani Martin Dockx He was the rider of Kim's Olympic stallion Grandioso and is the rider of Kim's horses in Spain
Thank you so much to USPRE Association and Kim Van Kampen for having me"

Here are some beautiful pictures by Carmen Elisa Franco

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