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  The Andalusian World Cup and Fall Feria is this week, at Southpoint Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas The excitement for this huge event has been building now for many weeks, and USPRE will be there! As in all ANCCE shows, the USPRE booth and staff will be on hand for members and guests

  •   From 9am to 12pm daily, Sally Rodriguez will be conducting LG Business for all breeders If you have any questions or need for services, please stop by the USPRE booth during these hours
  •   USPRE ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING will be held on FRIDAY at 1 pm in the Boot Barn Room C at the Southpoint Hotel Please see separate article for the Agenda
  •  Wine and Cheese Reception, FRIDAY Evening at 5 pm, USPRE Booth
  •  On Saturday, USPRE will present the Born in America Awards to the highest scoring stallions and mares who were bred in the USA                 

For those who can't attend, you don't have to miss it!  You can follow all activities via live stream at wwwandalusianworldcom

See you there!