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Record LG Performance


LG-ANCCE Processes Nearly 180,000 Service Applications Worldwide in 2010

[caption id="attachment_2724" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo: Bob Langrish"]Photo: Bob Langrish[/caption]

In 2010, the PRE Stud Book handled almost 180,000 service applications received from around the world

Registrations have increased by 125 %

Service requests from abroad increased considerably

The average processing time for cartas has considerable reduced

The PRE Stud Book, managed by the Spanish Breeder's Association, ANCCE since 2007, has closed 2010 with 22,400 new registrations which is 125 % more than the previous year and more than 8,000 assessmentsThe transparency, speed and increase in the services offered, the importance of the laboratory work and the application of a pioneer administrative program have been fundamental to ensure that the institution, despite the economic crises, has increased its results Last year, there were 11,000 changes in ownership which indicates that horse sales continue despite the current strains in the economy A total of 3,237 new breeder codes have been issued which is a 7 % increase over 2009 Owners in seven new countries - including Israel, Kazajistan, Jordan and Croatia - have registered their horses in the PRE Stud Book which currently serves a total number of 177,615 horses from 50 different countries of which 85 % reside in Spain In 2010, the average turnover time for services provided the official Spanish Stud Book managed by ANCCE has decreased considerably this reduction in time is something that was in great demand by breeders and owners Among the many services provided, example of record times was - delivery of new cartas following Inscription in two months, one month for assessment and 15 days for changes in ownership The ANCCE Stud Book promotional work is essential for its managers Due to this, last year, 25 international revision tours were take; fairs and congresses were attended to offer information to horse owners; an annual meeting with the international representatives was held and the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses WBFSH At this last WBFSH meeting, the only international federation for sport horse stud books in the world, held in Philadelphia, it was decided that the 2011 annual meeting would take place in Spain and will be organized by ANCCE This meeting, held for the first time on the Iberian Peninsula, will be a major opportunity to promote the Spanish Horse asa high performance breed in competitive disciplines In the short time that ANCCE has inherited the PRE Stud Book - a task that was commended by the government of Spain as the ultimate custodian of the breed - it has increased its indexes of quality effectiveness and reliability This has earned ANCCE international recognition and today it is considered to be a reference model for other equine breeds, especially in Europe In this regard, at the first American Congress of the Purebred Spanish horse, celebrated last autumn in Mexico, the latin american associations supported ANCCE's work as the Stud Book agent with a document edited by the associations of Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras Issued by the ANCCE Media Department logo_ancce