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ANCCE Photo Competition




The deadline is April 25 to present your photographs To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain ANCCE, a PRE Horse photographic competition was launched this past month of March titled Caballos de Portada Cover Horses  It has been designed for both full and associate members  Remember that the deadline to present your photographs ends on April 25, 2012  Participate by getting your camera out and sending us your best photo!   Competition Rules: 1 Main theme: The topic of the works presented must be related to the Purebred Spanish Horse or PRE It is obligatory for this to be featured clearly in the photo, although it does not necessarily have to be the main protagonist 2 Participants: Participation in this competition is open to any adult who is a full or associate member of ANCCE 3 Technical requirements: Only one 1 photograph will be accepted per person  All photographs must be original and unpublished  No photography may have been published previously in any media, posted on any private web-sites, social network or similar formulas nor may said photography have been awarded a prize at any other competition  Likewise, the contesting photography may not participate in other competitions at the same time The works of professional photographers will not be valid in this competition No photograph that is offensive, expresses xenophobic messages or attitudes, have pornographic content or harm the rights of humans or the well-being of animals will be permitted These aspects will be assessed according to the criteria of the organization of the contest All photos must be sent to the Association in digital format—whether a CD or DVD—and must fulfil the following requirements: - TIFF or JPG Format - A resolution of 300 pixels per inch and a minimum of 5Mb - The file name will be the title of the work Photographic works will be accepted in COLOR or BLACK AND WHITE only  The aforementioned material must be sent by certificated mail in a sealed envelope to the following address: Concurso Fotográfico 40 Aniversario de ANCCE Cortijo de Cuarto Viejo s/n, 41014, Sevilla, España Spain A document containing the following details must also be included in the envelope: -          The details of the participant first names, surname/s, date of birth, address, postal code, municipality, province state, country, mobile telephone number and e-mail -          Photocopy of ID, Tax Social Security number or Passport -          Name of the Stud Farm -          A brief description of the content represented in the photograph To confirm the reception of the work, participants must also send a copy of the photographic work to the following e-mail address: ancce1@gmailcom In the SUBJECT of the E-mail, SPECIFY: Caballos de Portada  In the body of the MESSAGE, state the full name of the author, followed by the title of the photo sent The photos must be sent in JPG or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 150 ppp and a maximum weight of 2 MB 4 Deadline: Originals may be presented as of the 20th of March until the 25th of April 2012 Works presented after the final deadline will not be accepted  The only exception is the case in which envelopes with a certified mail date on same day or prior to the established deadline and that arrive after the deadline  5 Jury: A Jury will proclaim the photographs that have been most voted for by the visitors to the web-site and the corresponding prizes  All the photographs received will be on the ANCCE 40th Anniversary web-site: wwwanccees/aniversario, so that the visitors can vote for the ones they like the best Each visitor may vote for a maximum of three 3 photographs   6 Prizes: The photograph receiving the greatest number of votes will be the winner The prize includes a trophy that will be presented at the next General Assembly and the reproduction of the photo on the cover of the November issue of the Association magazine, El Caballo Español, which is given out at SICAB, as well as two 2 VIP passes to access the Fair ground and Show and a copy of the PRE Breed Book There will also be two 2 consolation prizes for the next,  most-voted-for photos, which includes two 2 VIP passes to SICAB and five 5 invitations to the fair ground 7 Wining Results: The wining results will be announced during the week of May 7   Winners will be notified by the organization Likewise, ANCCE will notify the media, on the web-site and through all channels deemed suitable 8 Intellectual ownership rights: By presenting the photograph, the contestant accepts granting ANCCE, free of charge, the rights to reproduce, distribute, transform and use publicly, in all the possible media, the work sent, throughout the world and for the maximum duration as currently foreseen in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, dated the 12th of April, approved the rewritten text of the Intellectual Property Law for the protection of the granted rights  Participation in this competition means fully accepting each and every one of these rules and the verdict of the jury, which is final Any contestant sending a photograph guarantees that he/she holds the intellectual ownership rights, which, by virtue of his/her participation in this competition, grants to ANCCE and, therefore, ANCCE shall be free of any claims from third parties deriving from failure to fulfill the aforementioned guarantee ANCCE shall decide upon the suitability of the work with regards to its publication and may adapt it technologically, fragment and adapt said work to the ultimate format for its publication The contestant declares, under his/her own responsibility that he/she strictly complies with the rules of the competition Likewise, the contestant is aware that he/she shall be disqualified immediately if, during or after the verdict, it is found that said contestant fails to comply with any of the established rules or that his/her declaration is totally or partially false, erroneous or untrue, in which case the prize received shall be returned  ANCCE shall not be held responsible for the rights of image that may correspond to third parties, with regards to the photographs presented at the competition Those participants, who present photographs showing people, especially in the case of children and private property must guarantee that the contestant has express authority to disseminate said images  If, in one of the photographs presented, there is a close-up or recognizable features of person, the author must include the signed authorization from that person or persons to disseminate or reproduce their image, in the envelope, including the ID of that person  This step is not necessary in the case of general views where human figures are not identifiable ANCCE shall not be held responsible for any consequence, loss or damage deriving from failure to comply with these rules, with the contestants being the sole responsible party