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California High Point Awards


Open Letter to the USPRE Board


" On behalf of myself, Betsy Ketcham, Katie Hoefs and the many PRE competitors who competed for the prestigious USPRE High Point Awards and the USPRE Grand Champion we can't thank you enough for making this opportunity available to us

We truly appreciate the beautiful polo shirts, sashes and certificates; and the Grand Champion ribbons where gorgeous! We also appreciate the opportunity to announce our wins and posting our photos to the website!


[caption id="attachment_2173" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="Erin Lohec & Betsy Ketchum"]Erin Lohec & Betsy Ketchum[/caption]

The USPRE High Point definitely brought the PRE community together; the positive feedback we received, the excitement of the winners and the friendships that where formed was amazing The High Point also provided an opportunity to have a large number of PRE horses at one show which gave us great presence

Betsy Ketcham and I set up a USPRE Breed Association table see attached photo and displayed the beautiful ribbons, polo shirts, certificates and magazines that Joan provided to us We had snacks and drinks for our PRE competitors to enjoy We received many compliments from the other competitors, many who stopped by to admire the awards and to pick up a copy of the El Caballo magazine This High Point Challenge and Grand Champion award opportunities are not only a great way to get owners/riders out to the shows with their PRE horse it is also the perfect opportunity to promote our breed on the grass roots level

Again, thank you for supporting the California PRE owners and riders "


Erin Lohec