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LG-ANCCE Management Promotions


ANCCE Re-Stuctures LG-ANCCE Management For Growth

[caption id="attachment_2938" align="aligncenter" width="171" caption="Dr Arancha Rodriguez Sainz de los Terreros"]Dr Arancha Rodriguez Sainz de los Terreros[/caption]

The ANCCE Board of Directors has approved the revised the PRE Stud Book management organizational chart  by appointing Arancha Rodriguez Sainz de los Terreros as the new Technical Director She will take over from Pedro Rey Alvarez, who had filled the post since 2006

Dr Arancha Rodriguez  earned a doctorate in Veterinarian Science at the Complutense University in Madrid and has dedicated her professional career to the world of horses After several years working at the General Office Agricultural and Livestock Resources in the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Resources MARM where she specialized in equines, she has, since October of 2006, been the International Director of the PRE Stud Book During this time, the Stud Book has seen important growth to currently handle some 180,000 horses in more than 50 counties In 2010, it must be stated that horses from seven new countries were welcomed including Jordan, Coatia, Israel and Kazakhstan

Arancha Rodriguez takes on the overall responsibility for the Stud Book in substitution of Pedro Rey, who performed his role as the Technical Director perfectly, until this past December 31, 2010 when he resigned In the limited time that ANCCE has been handling the PRE Stud Book, a task that it was entrusted by the government of Spain as the ultimate representative of the breed, the indexes for quality, efficiency and reliability have increased This in turn, has earned the PREStud Book international recognition and it is currently considered a model of reference for other equine breeds, especially in Europe and America

Additionally, the ANCCE Board of Directors approved the appointment of Dr Pedro Javier Azor Ortiz as the Assistant Director of the Stud Book With a degree in Veterinary Science from the University of Cordoba and a Doctorate from the University of Sevilla, he has undertaken research in the field of equine molecular genetics Since 2008, he has had ties with ANCCE, as the Technical Director of the PRE Breeding Program

Alfonso Cope Jurado, who for the past four years has been in charge of the National Division of the Stud Book, will become an outside consultant for the PRE Stud Book

Lastly, David Fernandez Martinez, Telecommunications Engineer, has come on board to maintain and handle all Stud Book IT programs Previously, David performed the same tasks with Sadiel, an external technology company

The USPRE Board congratulates and extends its best wishes for continued success to Dr Arancha Rodriguez, Dr Pedro Javier Azor Ortiz and David Fernandez Martinez